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Rethink Breakfast With a Protein-Packed Smoothie

If you’re like a lot of Aussies, your brekkie may consist of baked eggs, smashed avocado on toast, granola or Vegemite on toast. But what if you want to change the way you think about breakfast? Chiropractor Dr Nick did exactly that. In his latest YouTube video, he offers a smoothie recipe that has worked for him. “By changing my eating habits and starting my day off with a healthy smoothie, I’ve lost about 11 kilos over the last three months and feel lighter.”

Dr Nick’s Dairy-Free, Protein-Rich Smoothie Recipe

In the video, Dr Nick shows how he prepares his breakfast smoothie, which serves as a terrific meal replacement for him. Here are the ingredients he uses:

  • Unsweetened almond milk
  • Almonds (maybe 5 or so)
  • Honey
  • Chia seeds (about a spoonful)
  • Linseeds (about a spoonful)
  • Protein powder or a meal replacement powder (2 spoonfuls)
  • Avocado (not always needed)
  • Peanut butter (about a spoonful)
  • Cocoa powder (about a spoonful)
  • Frozen banana (several slices)
  • Frozen blueberries
  • Frozen blackberries

Place all the ingredients in a blender or NutriBullet, and mix well.

Add a Daily Serving of Gentle Exercise

Before preparing his morning smoothie, Dr Nick takes his dog for a 30-minute walk. Gentle exercising, such as walking, can help boost your metabolism and promote weight loss.

Avoid Being Overfed But Undernourished

“Hunger is a feeling, but it’s not always correct; it can be an illusion. There’s a saying that you can be overfed but undernourished. With a healthy smoothie like this, you’re filling the body quickly with protein and nutrients, and you should stay full until lunch time,” said Dr Nick.

In particular, Dr Nick likes that by changing his breakfast, he has more energy and doesn’t feel sluggish like many people after eating a meal. “It works for me, and it might work for you!”

Interested in Metagenics?

We sell the Metagenics meal replacement powder at Abundant Life Chiropractic. If interested, contact us today for options and pricing.

Please note that Dr Nick is not a nutritionist. His goal is to simply share his thoughts on how changing morning eating habits have helped him.

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